Our typical day at Stepping Stones may include…..
8.55 – 9.15 am Children welcomed into Pre School by staff, coats and bags taken, children register themselves, then go into the quiet room/hall for a “soft start”, books, puzzles and IT equipment are available for children to use, followed by registration, our “Golden Rules” and show and Tell. (Personal, Social and Emotional Development, CL,UTW)
9.15 – 10.00 am Children can use resources provided for free play and planned focus activities will start, children will be encouraged to complete the activity with a member of staff. This could be creative or cooking either one to one or in a small group (no more than 4 children at a time). Children continue with free choice of play, assisted by staff. (PSED, Physical Development, Communication and Language, Literacy, Mathematical Development, Expressive Arts and Design, Understanding the World)
10.00 – 10.15 am All children wash their hands to get ready for their snack. A healthy snack is provided to all children with a choice of fresh fruit and either crackers, toast, rice cakes, plain biscuit etc. Water and milk is offered to the children. (Water is available at all times during the session for the children to pour into cups themselves. PSED, PD, CL, MD)
10.15 – 11.20 am continuation of focus activity, free play and physical play (physical and outdoor play is encouraged at all times. UTW)
11.20 -11.30 am Children help to “tidy up”. They are encouraged to listen to the instruction given, so that they know which toys they need to put into the boxes. (CL)
11.30 – 11.40 am Literacy time. Children are encouraged to choose a book and sit on the mat to read/look at. Two members of staff are always present, whilst other staff carefully move the activities into the store rooms. Circle time, a story is read to the children and focused topics are discussed. (Literacy)
11.40 – 11.55 am Physical development e.g. parachute, music and dance, team games, obstacle courses, hoops and balls, yoga, gymnastics etc. There are always a couple of choices.
11.55 – 12.20 pm Wash our hands. Sit down ready for our packed lunch provided by parent/carer. (PSED)
12.20 – 12.35 pm Playtime after lunch (PD) Get ready Music/Dance/Instruments
12.35 – 12.55 pm Children’s choice music/dance/instruments. (EAD)
12.55 – 1.00 pm Staff help children get ready for home time.