Settling into the routines of the group
We always want your child to feel safe and happy in the absence of their parents and carers and to recognise other adults as a source of authority, help and friendship.
This process can take longer for some children and you should not feel worried if your child takes extra time to settle into the routines of the group. We will discuss the needs of your child with you and work out a strategy that you are both happy with.
When your child starts at Pre School it can be a very anxious time for them, (and more often their parents!). We would like to reassure you that all staff at Stepping Stones has had many years’ experience settling children, and we are confident that we can deal with any situation that may arise.
We recognise that all children are different and for and reason our settling in policy is very flexible. We want your child to feel safe, secure and happy in the absence of their parents and carers and to recognise other adults as a source of authority, help and friendship. This process can take longer in some children routine of our setting. We will discuss the needs of your child with you and work out a strategy that you are both happy with.
There are some things we would like you to consider when leaving your child:-
• Bring them on time: Your child will quickly learn the routines of the group and feel more confident, especially when they see their friends coming in happily at the same time.
• Kiss them and say your goodbyes at the door: It can lead to confusion if you forget and have to come back in. Staff will take your child’s coats and bags. Lunchboxes are to be put into the box outside.
• Leave them as quickly as possible: If you hang around because you are anxious they may pick up on this and become upset themselves.
• Let us know of any issues as they arise: If there has been any problems, e.g. sleepless night, no breakfast etc. let the staff at the front door know, so they can inform your child’s key person.
• If it is a bigger dilemma: Ask to speak to Donna or your key person away from your child.
• Bring a bag with spare clothes: We do have some spares should there be the need to change their clothes, but they will feel happier in their own.
• Collect your child on time: If a child sees all the other children apart from themselves collected, they can find this extremely upsetting. If you think for any reason you are going to be delayed, please ring or text so that we can reassure them when they will be picked up.