Policies & Procedures

In accordance with the Pre-School Learning Alliance and Ofsted, we have a number of codes of practice as listed below. These exist for the benefit of you and your child, and should be strictly adhered to.

Policies and Procedures

Safeguarding Children:

Children’s rights and entitlements
Safeguarding children and child protection (including managing allegation of abuse against a member of staff)
Looked after children
Confidentiality and client access to records
Information sharing
Uncollected child
Missing child
Supervision of children on outing and
Maintaining children’s safety and security on premises
Camera, Mobile Phone and Recording Equipment
Making a complaint

06.01a SAFEGUARDING Child welfare and protection summary FORM July 21

06.06 SAFEGUARDING POLICY Incapacitated parent July 21

06.01c SAFEGUARDING POLICY Confidential safeguarding incident report form July 21

06.09 SAFEGUARDING POLICY E-safety July 21

06.02a SAFEGUARDING POLICY Low level concerns form August 22

06.04 SAFEGUARDING POLICY Uncollected child July 21

06.01 Responding to safeguarding or child protection concerns July 21POLICY 06.08 SAFEGUARDING POLICY Looked after children July 21

06.01b Safeguarding POLICY incident reporting form July 21

06.07 SAFEGUARDING POLICY Death of a child on-site July 21

06.05 SAFEGUARDING POLICY Missing child July 21

06.08a SAFEGUARDING POLICY Care plan for looked after children form July 21

06.00 Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults policy July 21

06.03 SAFEGUARDING POLICY Visitor or intruder on the premises July 21

06.02 SAFEGUARDING POLICY Low level concerns allegations of serious harm or abuse against staff volunteers August 22

Equality of Opportunity

Valuing diversity and promoting equality
Supporting children with special educational needs
Achieving positive behavior

* Promoting Health & Hygiene

Animals in the setting
Administering medicines
Managing children with allergies, or who are sick or infectious (including reporting notifiable diseases)
Nappy changing
No smoking
Food and drink
First aid

* Employment:

Employment and staffing (including vetting, contingency plans, training and development)
Induction of staff, volunteers and managers
Student placements

Health and Safety:

Risk assessment
Health and safety general standards
Fire safety and emergency evacuation
Recording and reporting of accidents and incidents (including procedure for reporting to HSE, RIDDOR)
Food hygiene
Equipment and resources
Outdoor play

* Administration

Registration form

Child Care Practice:

The role of the key person
Settling into Pre School


Parental involvement
Working in partnership with other agencies
Data Protection

Risk Assessment Templates and Checks

Safeguarding Children:

Short Trips Risk Assessment (Supervision of children on outings and visits policy)
Provider Complaints Record (Making a complaint procedure)

Promoting Health and Hygiene:

Medical consent form
Permission to administer medicine for an extended period (Administering medicines policy)
Allergy Risk Assessment
Exclusion Periods (Managing children with allergies, or who are sick or infectious policy)
First Aid Box checklist

Health and Safety:

Daily Risk Assessment Checklist – indoor and outdoor
Health and Safety Risk Assessment (Risk assessment policy)
Hazardous Substances Risk Assessment (General Standards policy)
Fire Safety Risk Assessment (Fire safety and emergency evacuation policy)
Kitchen Opening and Closing Checklist (Food hygiene)


Application to Join
Registration Form (Admissions policy)

If you would like to look at any of the above Policies and Procedures listed above, they are written in full in the blue ‘Parents Information’ Folder, located on the parents table in the entrance. If you would like a personal copy please speak to a member of staff and they will be happy give a copy to you.